Cannot delete a global group from a local group after migrating with SID history. (NETIQKB9842)

  • 7709842
  • 02-Feb-2007
  • 11-Jul-2007


Domain Migration Administrator 6.x

Domain Migration Administrator 7.x

Cannot delete a global group from a local group after migrating with SID history.


This issue is a known issue with accounts that have been migrated with SID history. This has to do with the way Active Directory displays an account that has been migrated with SID history.  The global group displayed is actually the source global group. Active directory is resolving this SID to the target global group, because that target global group contains the source group SID in its SID History attribute.

For more information on this issue, refer to the following Microsoft TechNet article;en-us;q266673

Additional Information

Formerly known as NETIQKB9842