The 'NetIQ DRA Agent' service on a Windows NT4 domain controller does not start after rebooting the (NETIQKB9777)

  • 7709777
  • 02-Feb-2007
  • 20-Jun-2007


Directory and Resource Administrator 6.40

Directory and Resource Administrator 6.50

The'NetIQ DRA Agent' service on a Windows NT4 domain controller does not start after rebooting the machine.

After rebooting a Windows NT4 domain controller, Directory and Resource Administrator client interfaces are unable to connect to the Administration server if the agent on that domain controller is referenced.

Last logon statistics are not accurate for users who authenticate to that machine.


The 'NetIQ DRA Agent' service depends on the 'Remote Procedure Call (RPC)' service for proper operation.  When the option to auto-install the agents is used, this dependency is set properly.  This issue occurs because the 'EAAgentUtil' utility does not set the dependency and the agent fails to start.

This issue is has been resolved in Directory and Resource Administrator 6.60.  The 'EAAgentUtil' utility has been corrected to set this dependancy, allowing proper operation of the agent.

Additional Information

Formerly known as NETIQKB9777