How do I check out Knowledge Scripts or Knowledge script groups from the AppManager Repository (QDB) (NETIQKB9763)

  • 7709763
  • 02-Feb-2007
  • 06-Jan-2011


NetIQ AppManager 6.x
NetIQ AppManager 7.0.x


How do I check out Knowledge Scripts or Knowledge script groups from the AppManager Repository (QDB)?


If users have the AppManager Developer's Console License, they can checkout the knowledge scripts through the Operator console.

To do this, go to KS pull-down menu and select "Check out knowledge script."

Without the license, users can still checkout knowledge scripts, but it must be done from a command line interface using the following command:


The kscheckout utility can be used to extract Knowledge Scripts from the QDB database. C:\>kscheckout

Usage: kscheckout option(s)where options are:

-e sqlserver:dbname:user:password 


[-d check_out_directory]

[-k KS_name:version:[filepath]]

[-g KS_group_name:[filepath]]

  1. On success, kscheckout.exe returns a 0. Otherwise return is a non-zero error code. For more info see kscheckout.log in NetIQ log directory.
  2. All option values are case-sensitive if SQL server is case-sensitive.
  3. All ":" symbols are mandatory.
  4. Make sure you enclose space-embedding parameters with double quotes.
  5. Each option is position dependent and can repeat. Options are like commands processed one by one, from left to right.
  6. -e: Leave user and password empty to indicate NT authentication. All colons are mandatory.
  7. -o: toggle overwrite. Overwrite if -o is not specified.
  8. -d: If -d option is not given before -k/-g, current directory is assumed. Don't put ending '\' for -d option. Or put "\\" as example above.
  9. -k,-g: KS_name and KS_group_name may have Windows file wildcards, '?', '*'. KS Version must be valid, e.g., 3 or 4. Leave filepath empty to use the default KS/KSG name. The colon before filepath is mandatory.

    Example : C:\>kscheckout -e sjcburakm01:qdb:sa:sapass -k SQL_*:4:

Additional Information

Formerly known as NETIQKB9763