What is meant by 'Resource to depend on' in the Cluster Options window in Server Consolidator?
Server Consolidator 7.x
Domain Migration Administrator 7.1
The 'Resource to Depend on' is the cluster resource. This is one of the parameters of the cluster. When you correctly specify this information, Server Consolidator copies the files, folders, and shares to the cluster server shared drive array and creates the proper cluster resources for each migrated share.
Before launching Server Consolidator, you need to know the 'Group name' and the 'Resource to depend on'.
If you do not know this information, locate it first by running the Cluster Administrator application in the Administrative Tools program group. In Microsoft Cluster Administrator, the Groups appear in the left pane. Select the group in the left pane, then note the names of the resources in the right pane. Specify one of these resources as the 'Resource to depend on' in Server Consolidator.
You specify information about the cluster target in the Server Consolidator 'Migrate Files, folders and Shares' wizard, in the 'Cluster Options' window. The fields are defined as follows:
Group name
Allows you to specify the cluster group name through which changes can be applied to all servers defined within that cluster. In Server Consolidator, you can select the Group name by browsing.
Resource to depend on
Specifies the dependant resource for applying changes. The 'Resource to depend on' should be entered just as it appears in Cluster Administrator. This resource name must match the name of the target share previously specified as the target path.
Copy subdirectories as shares
Allows you to share subdirectories of the parent folder.
Create subdirectories as hidden shares
Allows you to hide subdirectory shares.