Error: ' [7347]W11024: Profile for jsmith already existed and will not be overwritten.' (NETIQKB9143)

  • 7709143
  • 02-Feb-2007
  • 08-Aug-2007


Domain Migration Administrator 7.1

Error: ' [7347]W11024: Profile for jsmith already existed and will not be overwritten.'

This message occurs because an attempt is being made to run a security translation when a profile with that SID already exists. DMA is attempting to create a new entry in the ProfileList registry for the target SID, but a registry key already exists with the Target SID. This registry key provides Windows with a pointer to the correct user profile folders. Typically this existing SID is a result of the target account having logged on prior to security being translated.


To resolve this issue:

  1. Right click My Computer on the workstation.
  2. Select Properties.
  3. Select the 'User Profiles' tab.
  4. Delete the Profile listed as TargetDomain\User.
  5. Rerun the security translation.

If the profile does not appear on the User Profile tab, then delete the profile from the registry on that machine.

    • HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\ProfileList

There will be a SID for each account that has a profile on that machine.  When a SID is selected, the right pane shows the value 'ProfileImagePath' which will have the path to the folder.  Select the SID of the target account (that has logged in before security was translated on the profile) and delete it from the registry.  Then translate security on the User Profiles again on that computer. 

Please see NETIQKB893 for more information regarding 'What are the requirements, situations, and common errors for translating security on a user profile using DMA'


Please contact Technical Support to create a `Support Request` for any issues you encounter that are not addressed by the User Guide, any Knowledge Base articles found on the website, or current Hotfixes available for download.

Additional Information

Formerly known as NETIQKB9143