Can I multi-select user accounts in the Directory and Resource Administrator client and perform certain operations?
Directory and Resource Administrator 6.X
Directory and Resource Administrator 7.X
Yes. The Directory and Resource Administrator 7.X Win32 client interface allows an Assistant Admin to multi-select user accounts and perform certain functions such as Move, Delete, Enable, Disable, Add to groups, Unlock user accounts, Transfer, and Delegate control over the objects.
Can I multi-select user accounts in the Directory and Resource Administrator client and perform certain operations?
Directory and Resource Administrator 6.X
Directory and Resource Administrator 7.X
Yes. The Directory and Resource Administrator 7.X Win32 client interface allows an Assistant Admin to multi-select user accounts and perform certain functions such as Move, Delete, Enable, Disable, Add to groups, Unlock user accounts, Transfer, and Delegate control over the objects.
However, in the Directory and Resource Administrator version 6.X MMC interface, if multiple user accounts are selected, Assistant Admin can only Delete, Enable, or Disable the accounts.
Additional Information
Formerly known as NETIQKB8410