Error: 'Logon fail!' occurs when registering NetIQms. (NETIQKB8213)

  • 7708213
  • 02-Feb-2007
  • 15-Feb-2011


NetIQ AppManager 6.x
NetIQ AppManager 7.0.x
NetIQ Management Server


The registration of NetIQMS (NetIQMS -r qdbms:qdb:netiq:netiq:servername -i) keeps failing with a 'Logon fail' error message.

Unable to re-register NetIQms.exe.


The AppManager Management Server version should correlate with the existing AppManager Repository version. Ensure that the correct version of the AppManager Management Server is installed. 

To verify the AppManager Repository (QDB) version:

  1. Start Query Analyzer from the Microsoft SQL Server programs menu.
  2. Run the following query against the Version table in the QDB database:

    Select version, machinename from version where component='Repository' 

If the version are correct then review the SQL Server Logs and Look for Error 18456. This indicates a login failure for SQL.

Compare the State and Severity to the following error codes from this MSDN Blog.


The AppManager Management Server (NetIQms.exe) is not compatible with an AppManager Repository (QDB) database of a different version.
There is a SQL Server Login Error preventing the Management Service from authenticating to the QDB.

Additional Information

Formerly known as NETIQKB8213

When registering a Management Server, if you are using the -ur switch to preserve the RPCKey value for Encrypted UNIX communication, you should use the -ur switch prior to the -i switch. 


          C:\> NetIQMS -r QDBMS:QDB:Username:Password:MSServerName -ur -i