What process does Directory and Resource Administrator use to enumerate computers and determine if the computer is available?
Directory and Resource Administrator 6.x
Directory and Resource Administrator 7.x
The actual computer accounts in Active Directory or in the NT SAM are enumerated during the Accounts Cache Refresh. The availability of the computer is determined when the Resource Cache Refresh is run. To determine if a computer is available or not, the Resource Cache Refresh queries the browser service and retrieves a list of computers that are displayed in the browser service. This list is then compared to the list of machine accounts that was obtained during the Accounts Cache Refresh to determine availability.
If a machine came online after the last Resource Cache Refresh, it will be listed as unavailable. Also, if the browser service is disabled or the computer is hidden from the browser service, the computer will be listed as unavailable. However, when trying to manage a resource on a machine that is listed as unavailable, DRA will make a call to verify if the machine is available or not. This allows you to manage resources on a machine even though it is listed as unavailable.