Can Exchange Migrator migrate Public Folders between sites in the same Organization or within the same site?
Exchange Migrator 1.x
Exchange Migrator 2.x
No, but you can use Exchange Migrator to translate security (re-ACL) for public folders (not homed in the target) in between the sites within the same Organization so that migrated mailboxes are able to access public folders. After translating security you can use the Microsoft native tools to replicate (re-home) public folders from the source to the target.
To translate security, or update replicated public folders, select your project in the left pane of the Exchange Migrator (EM) console, and click Update Source Public Folder Permissions on the Action menu. Update public folder permissions after each time that mailboxes are migrated to the target Exchange server.
To correctly translate permissions for public folders, migrate a mail object or public folder from the source site that contains the public folders for which you want to translate security. This may have to be done within a separate project if your public folders are in a different site than your migrated mailboxes. If the site containing the public folders does not contain any mail objects, then create an empty mailbox and migrate it to the target site. Exchange Migrator will correctly translate public folder permissions for all migrated objects in the source Exchange Organization even if you migrated the objects in separate projects.
Please note that this information can also be found in Chapter 6 of the product User Guide.