Directory and Resource Administrator 6.x
Microsoft Access XP
Error: 'Error building Report list in Main form. Type Mismatch' When Launching the Directory and Resource Administrator Reporting Tool On Computers with Access XP Installed
After creating custom reports and making the appropriate modifications, launching the DRA Reporting Tool on client workstations with Microsoft Access XP installed can generate the error listed above.
Workstations with Access 2000 loaded function normally.
The References for the Access project that controls DRA reporting has a list of all type libraries. The Node and ListView types are in two of these libraries and may cause this issue in Access XP. If Microsoft Windows Control Version 6.0 is above Microsoft Windows Control Version 5.0 in the priority list, the error message is displayed because Version 6.0 has issues with the Node and ListView data types, both of which are used by the DRAReporting Tool.
To resolve this issue, please perform the following steps:
- Launch the Directory and Resource Reporting tool.
- Select Enter Design Mode from the File drop down menu.
- Select Modules from the Objects list.
- Click the Design button (it does not matter which module is selected). This which will launch Microsoft Visual Basic.
- Select References from the Tools drop down menu in the Visual Basic window.
- Select Microsoft Windows Control Version 5.0 and click the up arrow to move it up the list until it is above Microsoft Windows control version 6.0.
- Close the Visual Basic window and then close the Reporting Tool.
Once the above steps have been performed the Reporting tool will launch successfully.
This issue is resolved in Directory and Resource Administrator 7.0 and later.