Can I migrate a mailbox with an NT group as the primary windows NT account? (NETIQKB7587)

  • 7707587
  • 02-Feb-2007
  • 16-Aug-2007


Can I migrate a mailbox with an NT group as the primary windows NT account?

Exchange Migrator 1.x

Exchange Migrator 2.x


 You will notice that that some objects are partially migrated while other objects have not been migrated at all.  You will also see the following type of error messages in the EMApplog.txt file:

  • (1067) QI for IMailboxStore failed  [HR=0x80004002]
  • (1068) The migration to Exchange 2000 failed. This was caused by an out-of-date version of the Exchange dlls. You must have the Exchange 2000 Management Tools installed on this computer before you can migrate to Exchange 2000. [HR=0x80004002]
  • (1069) ProcessHelperForMdb... failed to migrate object [/o=Organization/ou=OranizationalUnit/cn=Recipients/cn=NameofMailbox][HR=0x80004002]


  1. Yes, if you have an Exchange 5.5 site to Exchange 5.5 site Intra-Organization migration scenario.
  2. No, if you have an Exchange 5.5 to Exchange 2000 Intra-Organization scenario.  This is because you would actually be going between two Directories (Exchange 5.5 Directory and Windows 2000 Active Directory), and Exchange Migrator will have to create a new account in the target AD.
  3. No, if you have any type of Inter-Organization migration scenario.
    • Workarounds:
      1. Follow these steps:
        1. Create an NT account for each of the mailboxes that have this type of configuration.
        2. Associate the NT accounts as the primary NT accounts of the mailboxes.
        3. Migrate the mailboxes.
        4. Manually assign appropriate permissions to the target mailboxes.
      2. Although not supported, you could create a Security Group in the target Windows 2000 Active Directory, and then make that target Security Group the primary NT account on the Source Exchange 5.5 mailbox.

Additional Information

Formerly known as NETIQKB7587