Since Exchange Migrator (EM) does not currently allow the source SMTP address to be migrated without (NETIQKB7562)

  • 7707562
  • 02-Feb-2007
  • 16-Aug-2007


Since Exchange Migrator (EM) does not currently allow the source SMTP address to be migrated without the source X.400 address, are there any implications of manually removing the source X.400 address from the target mailboxes?

Exchange Migrator 1.x

Exchange Migrator 2.x

There are no known issues with removing the source X.400 address from the target mailbox, so there should be no problem in implementing this change.

To confirm the outcome of any migration we recommend extensive testing in a lab environment that resembles the exact production environment. Only after the desired results are captured in the lab environment should any production migrations begin.

Additional Information

Formerly known as NETIQKB7562