Domain Migration Administrator 7.1
When attempting to select a project in the DMA console, I receive the error: 'Could not complete the operation due to error 80040e14.'
When attempting to select a project in the DMA console, I receive the error:Â Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime Library Runtime Error! Program: C:\WINNT\system32\mmc.exe Abnormal program termination
There are too many actions in the Actions table of the Protar database.  When DMA opens a project, it checks all the actions that have been performed in that project to determine which of the actions have a failed status. If a project has been used to perform many actions, the actions performed may exceed the space allocated in the program for the list of actions.
To resolve this issue, please apply DMA 7.1 Hotfix 22291  or use the workaround below.
The workaround for this is to remove the older actions from the project database, so that the list of actions will fit in the space allocated by DMA. Please note, once the actions have been removed from the table, these actions will no longer appear in reports. Also, clearing the action from the table removes the ability to undo that task. Therefore, you should only clear older actions that will not need to be undone. Note that the migrated users, computers, groups, and security translation are not affected by clearing an action from the project database.
To test this workaround in your environment, perform the following steps:
- Close the DMA console.
- Make a backup copy of the file 'projectname.mdb' to a different directory (where projectname is the name of the migration project).
- Double-click on the original file 'projectname.mdb' to open this project database in Microsoft Access 2000.
- With the Tables button selected, double-click on Actions to open the Actions table.
- The rows should appear in chronological order. Move the cursor to the gray area to the left of the first column. The purpose of this step is to delete the older actions from this table.  Consider deleting the oldest 25% - 50% of the existing actions. Determine a date for which actions older than this date can be deleted. Select all the rows for which the "when" column indicates a date that you want to delete. With these rows selected, hit the Delete key on the keyboard. When prompted to confirm the delete operation, select Yes.
- Close Microsoft Access.
- Open the DMA console.
- Click on the 'projectname' project to open it. (This is the project where you have edited the table.)Â Do not select any other projects first.
- The project should open successfully, without the error.
- If this is successful, then repeat this process for the other database files which have the error, 'Could not complete the operation due to error 80040e14.' Remember to backup the mdb files first. The DMA console must be closed when the database projects are edited.
Please contact Technical Support to create a `Support Request` for any issues you encounter that are not addressed by the User Guide, any Knowledge Base articles found on the website, or current Hotfixes available for download.