Exchange Migrator 1.x
Exchange Migrator 2.x
Although it is possible to migrate open mailboxes, this is not recommended. Migrations will run with better performance if mailboxes are not open during the migration. If a mailbox is open during the migration, current activity in the mailbox may not be migrated successfully. For best results, run the migration during periods of low mailbox activity.
When performing an Exchange 5.5 to Exchange 2000/2003 migration within the same site (intra-site) the mailboxes need to be closed in order to migrate successfully. The reason for this is because the intra-site migration actually performs a move rather than a copy of the mailbox.
The following article contains the error message that is generated when attempting to migrate an open mailbox in an Exchange 5.5 to Exchange 2000/2003 intra-site migration scenario.
- Error: '***(1789) Failed to move mailbox [/o=organization/ou=site/cn=recipients/cn=mailbox]'
When performing an intra-site migration, mailboxes that are in use will generate the 'Failed to move mailbox' error and not migrate, however, the migration will continue to migrate those mailboxes that were selected for the migration and not in use during the migration process.