Do I need to back up the queue and cache files on agents and central computers? (NETIQKB6521)

  • 7706521
  • 02-Feb-2007
  • 20-Nov-2007


Do I need to back up the queue and cache files on agents and central computers?

How do I back up queue files on agents and central computers?

Should I exclude the queue files from backups?

Security Manager 4.X

Security Manager 5.X


The queue and cache files contain data collected from agents and central computers. Agents send the data to the Consolidator on the central computer, and then the central computer sends the data to the OnePoint database.

All files in the following directory should be excluded from any backups:

(Security Manager 5.1 and later)
\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\NetIQ\Security Manager\<config group>

(Before Security Manager 5.1)
\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Mission Critical Software\OnePoint\<config group>

Because an agent always processes these files in terms of collecting new data and sending data to the central computer, these files do not need to be backed up. This behavior is by design.

Additional Information

Formerly known as NETIQKB6521