What is the effect of changing the IP address and\or the domain membership of the server running the (NETIQKB6377)

  • 7706377
  • 02-Feb-2007
  • 19-Jun-2007


What is the effect of changing the IP address and\or the domain membership of the server running the Directory and Resource Administrator server component?

Directory and Resource Administrator 6.x

Directory and Resource Administrator 7.x


Changing the IP address of the server running Directory and Resource Administrator (DRA) server service (MCS OnePoint Administrator server) does not have any effect on other DRA servers in the Multi-Master Set or on any of the DRA clients.  DRA queries the DNS and WINS database to resolve the IP address.  Ensure that the WINS, DNS and the local cache on the DRA server has been updated and\or flushed so that it is accurate.

If changing the domain membership and\or the IP address of the server running the DRA server service the following steps can be performed:

  1. Stop the MCS OnePoint Administrator server service.
  2. Change the domain membership and\or IP address of the server.
  3. Ensure that the WINS, DNS and local cache has been updated to reflect the correct IP address.
  4. Reboot the server, if necessary.
  5. Verify that the service account running the DRA service is correct and change it, if necessary.
  6. Start the  MCS OnePoint Administrator server service


Additional Information

Formerly known as NETIQKB6377