When trying to add a prefix to accounts being migrated, DMA only allows a prefix up to 8 characters. (NETIQKB6372)

  • 7706372
  • 02-Feb-2007
  • 08-Sep-2008


Domain Migration Administrator 7.1


Currently the tool prefixes Users as well as Groups using the same process. Therefore, since Users SamAccontName cannot be more than 20 characters, the 8 character prefix limitation has been imposed.

You can use Data Modeling to implement a longer prefix or suffix.  You can also use a Pre trigger script to change the name and update the database.

For more information on Data Modeling or Pre-trigger scripts, please see Chapter 9 of the DMA/SC 7.1 User Guide.


Please contact Technical Support to create a 'Support Request' for any issues you encounter that are not addressed by the User Guide, any Knowledge Base articles found on the website, or current Hotfixes available for download.

Additional Information

Formerly known as NETIQKB6372