Can I use Vivinet Assessor to test two endpoints, separated by a NAT device (Network Address Transla (NETIQKB6332)

  • 7706332
  • 02-Feb-2007
  • 13-May-2010


Vivinet Assessor 3.x


Can I use Vivinet Assessor to test two endpoints, separated by a NAT device (Network Address Translation)?

How do I monitor two endpoints across a NAT device?


?Static? NAT, or ?inbound mapping,? refers to scenarios where the firewall device maps the private addresses of all the nodes on the private network to public IP addresses on a one-to-one basis. If an endpoint has a statically assigned NAT address, you should enter that address as the endpoint?s Network Address when you create the endpoint, except where noted in the examples provided below. Devices performing ?dynamic? NAT are not supported for VoIP Quality assessments.



Devices performing network address translation (NAT) on your network can disrupt VoIP traffic because of the way VoIP packets conceal addressing information. Therefore, if VoIP calls are going to pass through a NAT-enabled device, usually a firewall, you should plan to create at least a couple of call groups with endpoints on either side of the NAT device to check the performance of calls as they pass through it.

Additional Information

Formerly known as NETIQKB6332

Please refer to the "Performing Assessments with NAT" section of the Vivinet Assessor documentation for further information on the configuration steps that are needed.

If you need further assistance with the subject matter discussed in this Knowledge Base Article, please contact NetIQ Technical Support .