How do I omit the 'Accounts Cache Refresh' for a domain? (NETIQKB6234)

  • 7706234
  • 02-Feb-2007
  • 20-Mar-2013


Directory and Resource Administrator 8.x


How do I omit the 'Accounts Cache Refresh' for a domain?

Directory and Resource Administrator will run an Accounts Cache refresh for each managed domain and its trusted domains, on a set schedule. This is needed to update DRA's internal cache of the Live AD details.


To prevent Directory and Resource Administrator from refreshing a domain, please perform the following steps on the Administration server:

  1. Launch the Directory and Resource Administrator Delgation and Configuration logged in as a DRA Assitant Admin with DRA Configuration powers.

  2. Expand the Configuration node and select Managed and trusted domains.

  3. In the top right pane, select the managed domain.

  4. In the bottom right pane, double click on the domain that needs to be ignored.  This will bring up the property page for the trusted domain.

  5. Select the Schedule tab.

  6. Click the checkbox to enable Omit account cache refresh for this domain, and click OK.

The domain will now be listed with a red X through the domain, and the status will be set to 'omitted for accounts cache refresh'.

Additional Information

Directory and Resource Administrator's initialization process includes an Accounts Cache refresh for all managed and trusted domains.  Multiple trusted domains can cause increased refresh times during initialization and regularly scheduled refreshes. Trusted domains that are not referenced in Directory and Resource Administrator can be ignored by the cache refresh process to improve performance.
Formerly known as NETIQKB6234