What is the significance of the date 'December 31, 1969' when displaying account expiration dates us (NETIQKB6089)

  • 7706089
  • 02-Feb-2007
  • 20-Jun-2007


What is the significance of the date 'December 31, 1969' when displaying account expiration dates using the CLI?

Directory and Resource Administrator 6.x

Directory and Resource Administrator 7.x

Directory and Resource Administrator 8.0

January 01, 1970 is the first date recognized as a legitimate system date by Microsoft Windows operating systems. Anything on or after that date can be used by Windows, including as a check against the current date, to determine whether an account has expired. Because December 31, 1969 is not recognized by Windows as a real date, it is not checked against the current system date to determine whether an account should still be active.  When a user account has an expiration date prior to January 01, 1970 in the CLI, the MMC interface displays this value as Never.

In DRA 6.50 and later, the actual date in the CLI displays as 1/1/1970 for the accounts that never expire.

Additional Information

Formerly known as NETIQKB6089