What power is needed to move a computer account from one OU to another in 6.x? (NETIQKB5998)

  • 7705998
  • 02-Feb-2007
  • 19-Jun-2007


What power is needed to move a computer account from one OU to another in 6.x?

Directory and Resource Administrator 6.x


The specific power needed to move a computer account from one OU to another is the Move an Object into an OU power.

The following example suggests how to create an ActiveView and delegate this power so an Assistant Admin can move computer objects from one OU to another:

  1. Launch the DRA MMC logged in as a user account with, at minimum, the Built-In Security Role.
  2. Expand the ActiveView management snap-in node and click ActiveViews.
  3. In the upper-right pane, click New.
  4. Type in a name for the ActiveView and click Finish.
  5. Select Custom rule and click Next.
  6. Verify that Include is selected and click Next.
  7. Select Computers and click Next.
  8. Select in specific OU and, under Rule Description, specify the OU.
  9. Click Next.
  10. Select All computers and click Next.
  11. Click Next to accept the default restrictions.
  12. Type in a rule name and click Finish.
  13. Click Add more objects and repeat Steps 5 through 12.  Specify the target OU for the computer move operation in Step 7.
  14. After completing step 13, click Assign Assistant Admins.
  15. Specify the Assistant Admin(s) by clicking Add users, Add groups, or Add AA groups.
  16. After specifying the Assistant Admin(s), click OK and then Next.
  17. Click Add powers.
  18. Expand Organization Units and double-click Move an Object into an OU.
  19. Click Add.
  20. Click Next and then Finish.

With this ActiveView, an Assistant Admin can move computer objects from one OU to another.  Once the Assistant Admin moves the object, the current MMC screen must be refreshed to reflect the change.

Additional Information

Formerly known as NETIQKB5998