Error: '[7075]S32021: Failed to change domain affiliation, hr=800706fb. The security database on the (NETIQKB5822)

  • 7705822
  • 02-Feb-2007
  • 08-Sep-2008


Error: '[7075]S32021: Failed to change domain affiliation, hr=800706fb. The security database on the server does not have a computer account for this workstation trust relationship.'

This error may be found in the DCTlog.txt on the migrated machine if that machine attempts to contact a DC in the Microsoft Windows 2000 target domain that does not have an account for it. The account may not be there because it has not yet replicated from the DC that Domain Migration Administrator created the account on. This tends to happen in environments with multiple Domain Controller on the same subnet.


Please follow these steps to help prevent this issue or upgrade to Domain Migration Administrator (DMA) 7.1:

  1. Run the computer migration and allow DMA to create the accounts.

  2. Before closing the Migration Progress window, force a replication throughout the domain.

  3. Once the replication is complete, close the window to launch the agents.

Once the agents install, the computer targeted for migration will contact a DC in the target domain to get the password for the new account and then reboot the computer. Upon reboot, the computer will contact a DC in the target domain again to request a trust relationship. That DC must have the computer's account and password so that this information can be matched when the migrated computer requests the trust.

This issue has been addressed in Domain Migration Administrator 7.1.

Additional Information

Formerly known as NETIQKB5822