Distribution Lists are created as new objects in the target Organization instead of merging with the (NETIQKB5751)

  • 7705751
  • 02-Feb-2007
  • 25-Jan-2008


Exchange Migrator 2.x

Distribution Lists are created as new objects in the target Organization instead of merging with the CR that was created by EMCLI DIRSYNC.


Possible Causes:

  • DL was previously migrated in a different project than the one specified for 'DIRSYNC' and no matching SMTP address was found.
  • DL was previously synchronized, the /CLEARTABLES option was used during 'DIRSYNC' and no matching SMTP address was found.
  • 'DIRSYNC' was previously run using a different project name, the DL has not yet been migrated and no matching SMTP address was found.

Since there is nosamaccountname nor sid on the source DL, merging on samaccountname or sid history is not valid. The conflict handling for DLs works only on SMTP address conflicts. If there were no SMTP addresses on the source DLs to begin with, or if the option to 'Keep source e-mail addresses' was not selected during the DL migration, then the target DL will not have a 'conflicting' SMTP address.


 Possible Workarounds:

  • Add a conflicting address to the source and target DLs, then rerun 'EMCLI DIRSYNC' with the /CLEARTABLES switch.
  • Correct the targetObj column that holds the path to the target DL in the ProjectName-Synch-to-Target table in the EMA database. Then run 'EMCLI DIRSYNC' without using the /CLEARTABLES switch.
  • Run the 'EMCLI DIRSYNC' specifying the same project where DL was originally synchronized with 'DIRSYNC', without using the /CLEARTABLES switch.
  • Run the 'EMCLI DIRSYNC' specifying the same project where the DL was originally migrated. (In this option the /CLEARTABLES switch can still be used).

Additional Information

Formerly known as NETIQKB5751