How do I update DMA with accounts that were migrated with SID History using ADMT? (NETIQKB5629)

  • 7705629
  • 02-Feb-2007
  • 09-Jun-2008


How do I update DMA with accounts that were migrated with SID History using ADMT?

The account information for accounts migrated with SID History using ADMT is important if security translation is needed. Domain Migration Administrator (DMA) uses an internal database that contains information such as the LDAP path, account name or other important information for a security translation. Since DMA would not have this information from the previously migrated account, the information can be gathered by running the SID History Report available in DMA. Found under the Domain Status folder, in the reporting group, this report will update all of the account information based off the SID History attribute migrated with ADMT. Once completed, you will be able to translate security for accounts that were migrated using ADMT with SID History.

Please note that this information can also be obtained from Appendix C of the product User Guide.


Please contact Technical Support to create a `Support Request` for any issues you encounter that are not addressed by the User Guide, any Knowledge Base articles found on the website, or current Hotfixes available for download.

Additional Information

Formerly known as NETIQKB5629