How do I bypass the syntax check when checking knowledge scripts into the AppManager Repository? (NETIQKB5537)

  • 7705537
  • 02-Feb-2007
  • 10-Sep-2010


NetIQ AppManager 6.x
NetIQ AppManager 7.0.x


How do I bypass the syntax check when checking knowledge scripts into the AppManager Repository?

Knowledge Script Check-In Fails with 'Invalid Knowledge Script Type/Syntax' Error Message.

Error: Can't Check In [Path]\[KS_Name.qml]. Invalid Knowledge Script Type/Syntax.


Use the kscheckin.exe utility to check-in the knowledge script with '-s' to disable the syntax check.

To check in a knowledge script via command line: kscheckin Where: [-d dsn:user:password][-e sqlserver:dbname:user:password][-s] toggle syntax checking (default on)[-o] toggle overwriting existing KS/KPC in Repository (default on)[-c ksc_file(s)][-k ks_file(s)] Example: kscheckin -e SQLServer01:QDB:netiq:netiq -k C:\nt_cpuloaded.qml 

At least one of -d or -e options should be specified. All option values are case-sensitive if SQL server is case-sensitive. Filename may have wild cards. Each option is position dependent, in other words, the syntax of a knowledge script file will not be checked if -s appears in front of the -k option.

Additional Information

Formerly known as NETIQKB5537

It is not recommended that the syntax check be disabled on a normal basis, as a script that fails a syntax check will also likely fail to run on an AppManager Agent, possibly generating either a compile error (CErr) or a run-time error (RErr).