All Domain Administrators have SQL System Administrator (SA) access to the AppManager Repository (NETIQKB5245)

  • 7705245
  • 02-Feb-2007
  • 20-Aug-2010


NetIQ AppManager 6.x
NetIQ AppManager 7.0.x
Microsoft SQL Server 2000


All Domain Administrators have SQL System Administrator (SA) access to the AppManager Repository


You will need to add individual domain accounts that you would like to access your QDB database to the local administrators group, to provide NT authentication to the QDB.



NT authentication or Mixed Mode enabled on your Microsoft SQL Server

Domain Administrators are by default, local administrators on a Windows 2000 or NT Server. The Local Administrator group by default, are System Administrators to all SQL databases, including the Appmanager Repository (QDB)

Additional Information

Formerly known as NETIQKB5245