Does the Directory and Resource Administrator MMC support SSL (HTTPS)? (NETIQKB5227)

  • 7705227
  • 02-Feb-2007
  • 20-Jun-2007


Does the Directory and Resource Administrator MMC support SSL (HTTPS)?

Directory and Resource Administrator 6.50


Yes.  With the release of Directory and Resource Administrator (DRA) 6.50, SSL is now supported in the DRA MMC.  DRA 6.40 and earlier did not include SSL support for the DRA MMC.

To enable SSL, you must enable SSL on the web server machine.  For more information about enabling SSL, refer to the following Microsoft KB articles:

  • Q290625: HOWTO: IIS5: How to Configure SSL in a Windows 2000 IIS 5 Test Environment Using Certificate Server 2.0
  • Q299525: HOWTO: Set Up SSL Using IIS 5.0 and Certificate Server 2.0

Next, you must change the configuration of the DRA MMC to connect to the web server using SSL.  To perform this:

  1. Open the Directory and Resource Administrator MMC.
  2. Right click on the top most node, Directory and Resource Administrator and select Web server properties.
  3. Check the checkbox Web server is SSL enabled.
  4. Select OK.
  5. Select Console from the drop down menu and select Save.

NOTE:  There is a known issue of the Web server is SSL enabled setting not being saved after saving the MMC console.  This is addressed in Hotfix NetIQKB12446.

Additional Information

Formerly known as NETIQKB5227