Source Custom Recipient gets forwarding address of SMTP$. (NETIQKB4852)

  • 7704852
  • 02-Feb-2007
  • 27-Feb-2008


Exchange Migrator 1.x

Exchange Migrator 2.x

Source Custom Recipient gets forwarding address of SMTP$.


There is an issue in Exchange Migrator (EM) that incorrectly sets the source CR's forwarding addess to SMTP$, when selecting the use source reply-to option on the Email Address window in the Exchange Migrator Settings Wizard. When migrating between Microsoft Exchange 5.5 organizations. The end result is that mail flow is broken due to this invalid forwarding address.

For more information on the Exchange Administrator Import/Export process please see the Exchange Administrator online help.


To resolve this issue, please install Hotfix 34780 for EM 2.21 which can be downloaded from the following link:

If you have accounts that are already affected the recommended resolution is:

  1. Open Exchange Administrator.
  2. Connect to the Source Server.
  3. Open the Recipients container.
  4. Select Tools | Directory Export.
  5. Select Custom Recipients as the export type.
  6. Click Export.
  7. Open the export and correct the smtp$ entries to read smtp: instead.
  8. Go back into Exchange Administrator.
  9. Select Tools | Directory Import.
  10. Select the appropriate file.
  11. Click Import.

Additional Information

Formerly known as NETIQKB4852