NetIQ AppManager 6.x
NetIQ AppManager 7.0.x
NetIQ AppManager 7.0.x
How do I retain the AppManager log files for more than a day?
AppManager Log Files do not Contain Enough Data to Cover the Time Frame of the Issue
AppManager Log Files do not Contain Enough Data to Cover the Time Frame of the Issue
To retain AppManager log files for x amount of days:
- Open the Registry Editor (regedt32).
- Navigate to:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\NetIQ\Generic\Tracing - Go to Edit | Add Value.
- In Value Name, type TraceLogLifeTime.
- In Data Type, select REG_DWORD.
- Click OK.
- In DWORD Editor, type the number of days to keep the logs. For example, specify 2 for 2 days. This value should be in Dec (or decimal).
- Restart the NetIQ Services on the target Server.
NOTE: This is a global parameter and will affect all logging being done by AppManager on the target Server. NetIQ Technical Support for AppManager recommends to monitor the disk space where the log files are kept in order to ensure the log files do not fill up the disk space.
For more information on changing the size of each log file, refer to the following Article:
NETIQKB5479:How do I increase the size of the AppManager *.log files in order to capture more information?
For more information on changing the location of the log files, refer to the following Article:
NETIQKB505:How can I change the location of the AppManager log files?
Additional Information
Formerly known as NETIQKB4444