Domain Migration Administrator 7.1
Previously migrated objects do not appear in the object selection screen of a project wizard.
After upgrading DMA, then importing data for data modeling, I am not seeing any users in data modeling.
The "Show previously migrated objects in project migration wizards" option is disabled.
In the either the Migrate User Accounts or Migrate Groups wizard in the Object Selection window, select the "Options" button. The "Show previously migrated objects in project migration wizards" checkbox can be selected here.
Domain Migration Administrator 7.1
Previously migrated objects do not appear in the object selection screen of a project wizard.
After upgrading DMA, then importing data for data modeling, I am not seeing any users in data modeling.
The "Show previously migrated objects in project migration wizards" option is disabled.
The "Show previously migrated objects in project migration wizards" option is disabled by default to help Adminsitrators determine which account have not been migrated. This option can be enabled by doing the following:
Select the Domain Migration Administrator folder in the left MMC pane and Right Click> View> DMA Options. Check the checkbox for "Show previously migrated objects in project migration wizards"OR
In the either the Migrate User Accounts or Migrate Groups wizard in the Object Selection window, select the "Options" button. The "Show previously migrated objects in project migration wizards" checkbox can be selected here.
Additional Information
Formerly known as NETIQKB4295