How do I perform name changes for groups or users during the migration using a CSV file? (NETIQKB4219)

  • 7704219
  • 02-Feb-2007
  • 30-Jan-2008


How do I perform name changes for groups or users during the migration using a CSV file?

Domain Migration Administrator 7.1

The following process will allow you to change account names as they are migrated by editing the protar instead of using a scrip trigger. Knowledge of Microsoft Access 2000 is recommended to successfully complete these steps. This process can be of help to administrators who have a CSV file that contains the source account name and the desired target account name.

NOTE: The following process is NOT supported nor is editing the protar.mdb file. Please test this process thoroughly in a test lab environment before implementing it in production.

Please follow these steps in the order they are listed:

Creating the Rename Table that contains SourceSAMAccount name and the desired TargetSAMAccount name.

  1. Open the Project Protar found in C:\Program Files\NetIQ\DMA\Projects\<Project Name>\<Project Name>.MDB
  2. Create a new table named "Rename".
  3. Create two fields named sourcename and targetname with text as the data type.
  4. In the data view, enter the source name and the new target name that you want to migrate to the target domain.

Creating a SQL statement that will update the model table with the new target account name

  1. Under the Query section double click "Create Query in Design View".
  2. Close the show table window (if it pops up)
  3. Right click anywhere other than the table field and select "SQL view"
  4. Cut and paste the following statement and paste over any existing statement in the view:
    UPDATE model INNER JOIN rename ON model.objname=rename.sourcename SET model.SamAccountName = [rename].[targetname];
  5. Save the query as UpdateModelTable
  6. Close the Protar.

Running the Migration

  1. In the project you have created in DMA, select the users in the Selected Objects Wizard.
  2. Update and Create the modeling table by running the Modeling: Import Data wizard.
  3. Close DMA
  4. Open the Project Protar found in C:\Program Files\NetIQ\DMA\Projects\<Project Name>\<Project Name>.MDB.
  5. With the account information filled in or imported in the rename table, execute the UpdateModelTable SQL statement by double clicking the query and clicking yes to the pop-up boxes.
  6. Optional - Once the query is finished, open the "Rename" table to view the changes made in the SAMAccountName field, and the DisplayName field if migrating to AD with the optional SQL statement.
  7. Close the Project Protar.
  8. Open DMA and run the user migration within the project with the option "Migrate data using database modeling as a source" enabled.
  9. Select desired users and settings and continue migration.

AD Target Result
The Target account will have the display name in AD as the Source Account name but the Login ID and UPN will contain the desired account name. If you want both the Login ID and the displayed username to be the same then use the following SQL statement instead of the one provided above.

UPDATE Model INNER JOIN rename ON Model.objName = rename.sourcename SET Model.samAccountName = [rename].[targetname], Model.displayName = [rename].[targetname];

NT Target Result
The account name will be changed to the desired name.

Additional Information

Formerly known as NETIQKB4219