The source Exchange 5.5 server has duplicate Custom Recipients (CR) and the hidden mailbox is not po (NETIQKB4089)

  • 7704089
  • 02-Feb-2007
  • 08-May-2008


Exchange Migrator 2.x

Exchange Migrator 1.x

 The source Exchange 5.5 server has duplicate Custom Recipients (CR) and the hidden mailbox is not populated with the CR as the alternate recipient after migration.

Either the migration settings were selected in such a way to not remove the source CR during the 'Undo' and the mailbox was re-migrated without first manually deleting the source CR created during the original migration or the 'Undo' did not remove the CR during the process because an invalid version of DAPI.DLL was being used and the mailbox was re-migrated without first deleting the source CR created during the original migration.


To resolve this issue, ensure that a 5.x version of DAPI.DLL exists in the c:\winnt\system32 directory.  Once this is verified, open Exchange Migrator and undo the migration.  Make sure the source CR originally created by Exchange Migrator has been removed, then remigrate the unhidden mailbox.

Additional Information

Formerly known as NETIQKB4089