Domain Migration Administrator 7.1
Can DMA migrate with SID history if the console is installed on a Windows 2000 Professional or Member Server?
When migrating with SID History, the DMA console must be installed on a Windows 2000 Domain Controller or an XP Professional machine. DMA will not allow you to migrate with SID History when these requirements are not followed nor is this supported. However, DMA has been known to migrate users with SID History when installed on a Member Server, but these results have been inconsistent. The reason for this particular behavior is unknown. Therefore, using DMA on a 2000 Professional or Member Server is not a supported or a recommended configuration for migrating with SID history.
Chapter 2 of the DMA 7.0 User Guide states:
To update the SID History of migrated accounts in the target domain, you must install and run Domain Migration Administrator on a domain controller in the target domain or on a Windows XP computer in the target domain.
The requirements for migrating with SID history are stated in greater detail in Chapter 2 of the DMA 7.0 User Guide.
The requirements for translating security with SID History are also stated in the KB article NETIQKB860
There have been no changes to these requirements with the release of DMA 7.1.