What migration scenarios Domain Migration Administrator support?
Which source and target migration configurations does Domain Migration Administrator support?
Domain Migration Administrator 7.x
Domain Migration Administrator supports the following source and target migration configurations:
What migration scenarios Domain Migration Administrator support?
Which source and target migration configurations does Domain Migration Administrator support?
Domain Migration Administrator 7.x
Domain Migration Administrator supports the following source and target migration configurations:
- Windows NT to Windows NT
- Windows NT to Windows 2000 Native Mode
- Windows NT to Windows 2000 Mixed Mode
- Windows NT to Windows 2003 (DMA 7.1 and above)
- Windows 2000 to Windows 2000 in the same forest (INTRAforest)
- Windows 2000 to Windows 2000 in different forests (INTERforest)
- Windows 2000 to Windows 2003 (DMA 7.1 and above)
- Windows 2003 to Windows 2003 in the same forest (INTRAforest)
- Windows 2003 to Windows 2003 in different forests (INTERforest)
- For Windows 2003 to Windows 2003 migrations, the source and target domains may be in Windows 2000 mixed, Windows 2000 native, Windows Server 2003 interim or Windows Server 2003 mode. Furthermore, the source and target forests may be in Windows 2000 (default), Windows Server 2003 interim, or Windows Server 2003 mode.
Please refer to the following Microsoft Knowledge Base article for more information regarding Windows 2003 Function Levels.
HOW TO: Raise Domain and Forest Functional Levels in Windows Server 2003;EN-US;322692
Additional Information
Formerly known as NETIQKB3730