What does the 'Change default logon Domain Registry Key' option in the Security Translation wizard do?
Domain Migration Administrator 7.1
When this option is enabled, Domain Migration Administrator updates the default domain in the user logon window (GINA) to the Target Domain. This allows the user to log into the target domain without having to select it manually. Please apply Hotfix Q14252 before using this option.
More information is available in the DMA User Guide, Appendix C: How DMA Updates Access Control Entries.
What does the 'Change default logon Domain Registry Key' option in the Security Translation wizard do?
Domain Migration Administrator 7.1
When this option is enabled, Domain Migration Administrator updates the default domain in the user logon window (GINA) to the Target Domain. This allows the user to log into the target domain without having to select it manually. Please apply Hotfix Q14252 before using this option.
More information is available in the DMA User Guide, Appendix C: How DMA Updates Access Control Entries.
Additional Information
Formerly known as NETIQKB3630