How do I select or import a subset of accounts or objects (users, groups, computers) to migrate? (NETIQKB3455)

  • 7703455
  • 02-Feb-2007
  • 05-Sep-2007


How do I select or import a subset of accounts or objects (users, groups, computers) to migrate?

How do I import computers from a CSV (or text) file for security translation or reporting? 

Domain Migration Administrator 7.x


This unsupported workaround allows you to import a list of accounts into the migration, security translation, or reporting wizards.  Consider using this workaround if you are performing a large account migration where staging, or migrating smaller groups of objects, is preferred. 

This is considered a workaround because Domain Migration Administrator (DMA) requires that you add all objects that need to be migrated into a project. However, your specific migration needs may require that you migrate subsets of these accounts in a staged fashion.

Note:  This workaround is different from the procedure described in Chapter 5, "Selecting Objects by Importing a CSV File", of the Domain Migration Administrator/Server Consolidator User Guide and should not be considered a substitute.

Step 1: Add the following value to the registry using Microsoft Registry Editor (Regedt32)

  1. Navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\NetIQ\DMA.
  2. Add a Value.
  3. Add DWORD Value.
  4. LoadFromFile 0.
The actual DWORD value does not matter, however 0 as a bin value will work.

After adding the registry value, new buttons will appear in the Select Objects dialog box of the object migration wizards. These buttons will give you the option to Save List and Load List.

Step 2: Create the import list

As of the release of DMA 7.2, there is now a simplified process for importing a list of computers for security translation and reporting. You can now create a standard CSV file to load into the interface.

  1. Create a tab delimited file containing two columns. The first column will be the NetBIOS computer name and the second column will be the full path to the computer. No header row is necessary.

    • For example: computerName<tab>pathtocomputer

    • For a machine in a Microsoft Windows NT domain, this would appear as:

    • For a machine in a Microsoft Active Directory domain, this will appear as:

    • The path column must start with LDAP:// or WinNT:// (this part of the text is case-sensitive) 

  2. Save the file as type Unicode with a file extension of .out.

  3. Continue to Step 4: Using the import file below.

For versions prior to DMA 7.2 and/or for adding users or groups to the wizards, we recommend that you create a template for your subset list of objects by selecting a few computers, users, and groups, and selecting Save List.  You are then prompted to specify where you want this file saved.  Use this list as a template and create your own subset list of desired objects based on the template?s format. 

To create new entries for each of your desired objects, copy the lines as they appear in the template that was created in the process above.  Once you have created and saved your subset list, execute the migration wizard.   

Note:  There are no checks made against the domains to which the users belong, nor any verification that the accounts have actually been migrated.  As a result, there may be some time delays as DMA tries to res.
olve account names that do not exist in the source domain.  The best way to avoid this is to keep your subset list free of invalid accounts.

Step 3: Update the import file

  1. Open the file with Notepad.
  2. Highlight the prepopulated line.
  3. Select Edit | Copy, then go to the next line.
  4. Select Edit | Paste.
  5. Leave the binary characters where they are and only update the clear text information with the object names you want to select.
Step 4: Using the import file
  1. Select the option to Load List and browse to the location of the file you created.
  2. Complete the wizard. 


Please note:  This workaround and any related documentation is provided "as is", and NetIQ makes no warranties with respect to it, or its use or operation. NetIQ has no responsibility for any impact arising from your use of this workaround.

Please be advised that this should be fully tested in your lab environment before using in any production environment. Please do not use this until you are completely satisfied that it will work based on your complete testing matrix in your lab environment.

Additional Information

Formerly known as NETIQKB3455