Directory and Resource Administrator 6.x
Directory and Resource Administrator 7.x
ActiveViews rules that include domain controllers do not display computers that are hidden.
For the purposes of inclusion in an ActiveView rule, DRA determines whether a computer is a domain controller with information contained in the Role field as it is reported by the Master Browser. The information the Master Browser holds is reported to it by the machine itself based on it's registry settings. If that machine is hidden, the Master Browser does not list the computer or any information about it. DRA is, therefore, unable to determine it's role.
When a computer is joined to a domain as a domain controller, the userAccountControl property for the computer account is given a value of 532480. This value is the same for all domain controllers on any domain. If DRA were to check the contents of this property field, it would be able to include for management domain controllers that are normally hidden. This solution is being considered for a future release of DRA.