NetIQ AppManager 6.x
NetIQ AppManager 7.0.x
NetIQ AppManager Management Service
How do I change ports used by the NetIQ AppManager Management Server and the NetIQ AppManager Client Resource Monitor Service?
To change the port number used by the NetIQ AppManager Management Server Service:
- On the Management Server, navigate to the following Registry key:
- Change the value to the desired Port.
- On the Managed Clients, navigate to the following Registry key:
- Change the value to the same value as the previous Registry key.
- Restart the NetIQ Services for the changes to take effect.
NOTE: If the Port for the NetIQ AppManager Management Server Service is changed, the Registry key from Step 3 on all Managed Clients in the environment need to be changed to reflect this Port change for connectivity purposes.
To change the port number used by the NetIQ AppManager Client Resource Monitor Service:
- On the Managed Client, navigate to the following Registry key:
- Change the value to the desired Port.
- On the Management Server, navigate to the following Registry key:
- Change the value to the same value as the previous Registry key.
- Restart the NetIQ Services for the changes to take effect.
Additional Information
For more information on how to change the port for the AppManager agent and Management Server, see NetIQ Knowledge Base article NETIQKB48936: "How do I configure UNIX agents to use a port other than 9001?" https://www.netiq.com/kb/esupport/consumer/esupport.asp?id=NETIQKB48936.