How do I use this sample script to suffix migrated mailboxes with x400 addresses.
Exchange Migrator 1.x
Exchange Migrator 2.x
During an Exchange migration involving ADC, x400 addresses may collide and cause conflicts. In order to modify these x400 addresses, you can implement the following script to suffix those addresses.
This is a VBScipt Mailbox Post Process script. You must check the "I will write VBScript" and "Include IADs pointers to objects..."
'Retrieve and print the X.400 address
sx400a = SourceIADS.Get("textencodedORaddress")
If Right(sx400a, 11) <> "--Migrated;" then
xValue = Len(sx400a)
yValue = xValue - 1
sx400 = Left(sx400a, yValue)
SourceIADS.put "textencodedORaddress", sx400 & "--Migrated;"
sourceIADs.setinfoEnd if
noteNetIQ is providing this script "AS IS" and makes no warranties with respect to it, its use, or operation. NetIQ has no responsibility for any impact arising from your use of the script provided.
Please be advised that this script should be fully tested in your lab environment before using in any production environment. Please do not use this script until you are completely satisfied that it will work based on your complete testing matrix in your lab environment.