Unable to Apply Monitoring Policy after Action Deleted (NETIQKB3109)

  • 7703109
  • 02-Feb-2007
  • 07-Jan-2011


Unable to Apply Monitoring Policy after Action Deleted
Same Error in RPLib.log

01/07/11 14:43:45 (AppManager Console-7.0.25101.0 pid 1572, th# 1204) {?=call dbo.FetchVirtualKSByName (?,?,?,?,?,?,?)}
01/07/11 14:43:45 (AppManager Console-7.0.25101.0 pid 1572, th# 1204) SQLSTATE=37000, native error=50000, msg='[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]FetchVirtualKSByName: invalid ksname ACTION_TBDCorpSMTPMail'

01/07/11 14:43:45 (AppManager Console-7.0.25101.0 pid 1572, th# 1204) {?=call dbo.FetchVirtualKSByName (?,?,?,?,?,?,?)}
01/07/11 14:43:45 (AppManager Console-7.0.25101.0 pid 1572, th# 1204) SQLSTATE=37000, native error=50000, msg='[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]FetchVirtualKSByName: invalid ksname ACTION_SMTP-MSHEALTH'


Disassociate the Action that has been deleted from any of the knowledge scripts in the knowledge script group that will be/is applied to a Server Group as a Monitoring Policy.

In the Operator Console:

  1. Right Click on the KSG
  2. Choose Properties for a KS
  3. Choose the Action Tab
  4. Ensure the Action exists for this job and is valid
  5. If action does not exist or has been updated correct as needed
  6. Ensure all KS's within the KSG have the proper actions associated


ACTION_TBDCorpSMTPMail and ACTION_SMTP-MSHEALTH had been deleted, but the action association still exists on one of the scripts added to the KSG.

Additional Information

Formerly known as NETIQKB3109