Unable to Apply Monitoring Policy after Action Deleted
Same Error in RPLib.log
01/07/11 14:43:45 (AppManager Console-7.0.25101.0 pid 1572, th# 1204) {?=call dbo.FetchVirtualKSByName (?,?,?,?,?,?,?)}
01/07/11 14:43:45 (AppManager Console-7.0.25101.0 pid 1572, th# 1204) SQLSTATE=37000, native error=50000, msg='[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]FetchVirtualKSByName: invalid ksname ACTION_TBDCorpSMTPMail'
01/07/11 14:43:45 (AppManager Console-7.0.25101.0 pid 1572, th# 1204) {?=call dbo.FetchVirtualKSByName (?,?,?,?,?,?,?)}
01/07/11 14:43:45 (AppManager Console-7.0.25101.0 pid 1572, th# 1204) SQLSTATE=37000, native error=50000, msg='[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]FetchVirtualKSByName: invalid ksname ACTION_SMTP-MSHEALTH'
Same Error in RPLib.log
01/07/11 14:43:45 (AppManager Console-7.0.25101.0 pid 1572, th# 1204) {?=call dbo.FetchVirtualKSByName (?,?,?,?,?,?,?)}
01/07/11 14:43:45 (AppManager Console-7.0.25101.0 pid 1572, th# 1204) SQLSTATE=37000, native error=50000, msg='[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]FetchVirtualKSByName: invalid ksname ACTION_TBDCorpSMTPMail'
01/07/11 14:43:45 (AppManager Console-7.0.25101.0 pid 1572, th# 1204) {?=call dbo.FetchVirtualKSByName (?,?,?,?,?,?,?)}
01/07/11 14:43:45 (AppManager Console-7.0.25101.0 pid 1572, th# 1204) SQLSTATE=37000, native error=50000, msg='[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]FetchVirtualKSByName: invalid ksname ACTION_SMTP-MSHEALTH'
Disassociate the Action that has been deleted from any of the knowledge scripts in the knowledge script group that will be/is applied to a Server Group as a Monitoring Policy.
In the Operator Console:
- Right Click on the KSG
- Choose Properties for a KS
- Choose the Action Tab
- Ensure the Action exists for this job and is valid
- If action does not exist or has been updated correct as needed
- Ensure all KS's within the KSG have the proper actions associated
ACTION_TBDCorpSMTPMail and ACTION_SMTP-MSHEALTH had been deleted, but the action association still exists on one of the scripts added to the KSG.
Additional Information
Formerly known as NETIQKB3109