NetIQ AppManager 7.0.x
AMAdmin_SetPrimaryMS Knowledge Script
Note: The following queries will return information only, they do not make any changes to teh Database or its content. They are provided in order to help the end user determine which Agents require changes via the following solution:
To configure a multiple AppManager Management Server environment, use the AMAdmin_SetPrimaryMS knowledge script on each AppManager Agent, specifying the appropriate AppManager Management Server. Note that once you have made the desired changes, the NetIQ Management Server Service should be re-started, so that it can pick up the changes made.
To verify entries in the MSDesignation table:
- Open SQL Server Query Analyzer.
- Select the Repository (QDB).
- Type the following SQL query:
Select D.MCID, D.MachineObjID, D.PrimaryMSID, S1.MSID, Case ISNull(S1.MSID,10000) WHEN ISNull(D.PrimaryMSID,10000) Then 'Valid' Else 'InValid' End From MSDesignation D full outer join MSStatus S1 On D.PrimaryMSID = S1.MSID - Execute the SQL query.
To view a list of Agents with no primary Management Server:
- Open SQL Server Query Analyzer.
- Select the Repository (QDB).
- Type the following SQL query:
SELECT D.MCID, D.MachineObjID, O.Name 'Machine' from MSDesignation D, Object O Where D.MachineObjID = O.ObjID And D.PrimaryMSID is Null - Execute the SQL query.