NetIQ AppManager 6.x
NetIQ AppManager 7.0.x
NetIQ AppManager Repository
AMAdmin_SetPrimaryMS Knowledge Script
How do I produce a list of all the primary and secondary Management Server configurations for each Agent in the Repository?
To return the Primary and Secondary Management Server designation for each AppManager Agent in the environment:
Execute the following SQL Stored Procedure against the QDB:
exec dbo.GetMachineMSDesignationList
AMAdmin_SetPrimaryMS has been run on some or all AppManager Agents in the site.
Additional Information
Formerly known as NETIQKB2819
NOTE: The results of the SQL Stored Procedure can be used to verify that any currently grayed out Servers in the Tree View of the Operator Console have the proper Management Server designated. If the AppManager Agents in question do not have the proper Management Server designated, or the PrimaryMS field is set to NULL, the AMAdmin_SetPrimaryMS job has not been properly executed on the AppManager Agents.
NOTE: The results of the SQL Stored Procedure can be used to verify that any currently grayed out Servers in the Tree View of the Operator Console have the proper Management Server designated. If the AppManager Agents in question do not have the proper Management Server designated, or the PrimaryMS field is set to NULL, the AMAdmin_SetPrimaryMS job has not been properly executed on the AppManager Agents.