Does Exchange Migrator migrate Reply-to addresses?
Exchange Migrator 1.x
Exchange Migrator 2.x
The reply-to address on an email message is protected as a read-only field. Exchange Migrator does not translate reply-to addresses to indicate the new email address of migrated mailboxes. To correct this problem, Exchange Migrator migrates each mailbox, custom recipient, and distributions list to the target Exchange server with its source X.500 address.
In a migration between Exchange organizations, replies to migrated messages that are sent using the Reply to or Reply to All buttons are routed to the correct objects using the X.500 object address. Objects in a migration between organizations must be migrated to the target Exchange server for X.500 routing to work. For example, User A sends User B email. You migrate the mailboxes and messages for both users to the target Exchange server. User B logs into his mailbox on the target Exchange server and replies to the message sent by User A using the Reply to button. The message is routed to User A on the target using the source X.500 address.
In a migration between sites within an Exchange organization, messages sent using the Reply to or Reply to All buttons are sent to the source objects and then forwarded to the correct objects on the target Exchange server. When the source object is removed, messages are sent directly to the correct objects on the target Exchange server.
Although Exchange Migrator migrates most mailbox objects, Exchange Migrator does not migrate the following objects:
- Mailbox objects with a blank Alias property value
- Inbox rules
- Reply-to addresses
- OST Folders
- Key Management (KM) properties
- Forms