What are the Service Level Exceptions provided by Security Manager or Operations Manager? (NETIQKB2063)

  • 7702063
  • 02-Feb-2007
  • 08-Sep-2008


What are the Service Level Exceptions provided by Security Manager or Operations Manager?

Operations Manager 3.X

Security Manager 3.X

Security Manager 4.X

Security Manager 5.X

Service Level Exceptions are alerts that have remained in a particular resolution state longer than a period of time you specify. Each alert resolution state (such as New, Acknowledged, Resolved) has a configurable service level agreement time. If an alert remains in a particular state past the service level agreement time, it is flagged as a Service Level Exception.

After you change the resolution state, the alert is no longer marked as a Service Level Exception unless it remains in the new state past the specified service level agreement time.

To configure service level agreement times in the Configuration snap-in:

  1. Start the Monitor console in the NetIQ Security manager program group.
  2. In the left pane, expand Security Manager Monitor Console > Configuration > Global Settings.
  3. In teh right pane, double-click Alert Resolution States.
  4. On the Resolution States tab, configure a separate service level agreement time for each resolution state.
  5. Click OK.

Additional Information

Formerly known as NETIQKB2063