Error: 'The OnePoint service on the computer <computer name> was unable to submit the request (NETIQKB1569)

  • 7701569
  • 02-Feb-2007
  • 01-Apr-2008


Error: 'The OnePoint service on the computer <computer name> was unable to submit the request to the Agent Manager.' Received When Attempting to Scan Agent Manager from OnePoint MMC Console.

The following error is received:

    'The OnePoint service in the computer was unable to submit the request to the Agent Manager'.

    You do not have appropriate permissions to perform this operation. Please contact your systems Admin for more information
    'HResult code 80070005'.

After clicking OK on the error dialog box nothing appears to happen and the agent manager doesn't perform the computer scan.

The Data Access Server (DAS) is not rebooted after updating the service account or after adding members to any OnePointOP local groups on the DAS computer.

To resolve this error, reboot the DAS computer.

Additional Information

Formerly known as NETIQKB1569