What are the meanings of the different options in the Maintaining Object References window? (NETIQKB1528)

  • 7701528
  • 02-Feb-2007
  • 26-Mar-2008


What are the meanings of the different options in the Maintaining Object References window?

Exchange Migrator 1.x

Exchange Migrator 2.x


The options you choose in the Maintaining Object References window determine how Exchange Migrator handles objects referenced by the objects you are migrating.

NOTE: There are 3 options regarding the handling of target object references, and 1 option for handling the source object references created for the objects you are migrating.

A rudimentary example of the target object references handling is if a mailboxA is a member of DistributionListY. When mailboxA is migrated, with the option to 'Automatically create custom reipients for all referenced objects (keep all references)' chosen, then a Custom Recipient or Contact will be created for DistributionListY in the target. This will allow for continuity between source and target organizations.

Exchange Migrator will create a custom recipient or a contact in the target site depending on the target Exchange version. They are called Custom Recipients in Exchange 5.5 and Contacts in Exchange 2000. Custom Recipients are recipient addresses or email location addresses outside the Exchange organization.

Custom Recipients or Contacts will be created in the target based on the following list, which can also be seen in the Maintaining Object References window under the 'Automatically create custom recipients for objects referenced in the following fields' option.

  • Manager
  • Send On Behalf Of
  • DL Owner
  • DL Members
  • Distribution Lists (Member Of)
  • Delivery Restrictions
  • Alternate Recipients
  • Direct Reports

The options available in the Maintaining Object References window are the following:

  1. Do not create custom recipients in the target for any objects referenced by migrated objects
    • Specifies that you do not want to create custom recipients on the target Exchange server for objects referenced by migrated objects.
  2. Automatically create custom recipients for all referenced objects (keep all references)
    • Creates custom recipients for all referenced objects on the target Exchange server. This allows for continuity between the source and target Organizations.
  3. Automatically create custom recipients for objects referenced in the following fields
    • Creates custom recipients on the target Exchange server based on the fields you select. Check the appropriate check boxes to select the fields you want to use.
  4. Create custom recipients in source for migrated objects
    • Creates a custom recipient on the source Exchange server for migrated objects. Custom recipients placed on the source Exchange server by Exchange Migrator forward all email to newly-created mailboxes on the target Exchange server with which they are associated.


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Additional Information

Formerly known as NETIQKB1528