Can Exchange Migrator migrate personal distribution lists? (NETIQKB1340)

  • 7701340
  • 02-Feb-2007
  • 02-Nov-2007


Can Exchange Migrator migrate personal distribution lists?

Exchange Migrator 1.x

Exchange Migrator 2.x


This feature has not been tested by NetIQ Quality Engineering; therefore, it is not supported.  However, NetIQ Technical Support has done minimal testing and finds that Exchange Migrator seems to migrate personal distribution lists consistently.  In order to update the migrated personal distribution, lists please complete the following steps:

  1. Log on to the migrated mailbox via Microsoft Outlook.
  2. Open a personal distribution list.
  3. Click the 'Update' button.
    • You will notice that every member of the personal distribution list changes to its Source X.500 Exchange address.
      • The Source X.500 Exchange address will work because during the mailbox migration Exchange Migrator appended the Source X.500 Exchange address for all migrated mailboxes.  Check the migrated mailboxes to confirm.
      • Since all of the migrated mailboxes have the Source X.500 Exchange address, any email sent to the personal distribution lists will arrive safely to the correct destination. Run a quick test to confirm.

Additional Information

Formerly known as NETIQKB1340