Can I configure a rule to exclude a certain userID or a range of userIDs? (NETIQKB1144)

  • 7701144
  • 02-Feb-2007
  • 17-Apr-2008


Can I configure a rule to exclude a certain userID or a range of userIDs?

Operations Manager 3.22

Operations Manager 3.22 SP1

Operations Manager 3.30

Yes. To exclude either a userID or a range of userIDs, please perform the following steps:

  1. Locate and open the rule which you would like to modify.
  2. Select the Criteria tab, then click on the Advanced button.
  3. Once the Advanced Criteria applet opens, you will need to go to the Define more criteria section (located near the bottom of the applet).
  4. Under the Field heading, you will need to use the pull down menu and select Username. For Condition, use the pull down menu and select doesn't match wildcard. Finally, for Value you will need to enter the text for the account(s) you wish to exclude.


      Field: User Name

      Condition: doesn't match wildcard

      Value: admin?z?###

    NOTE: The '?' represents one single character, and the '#' represents one single number. So this wildcard would represent the userID adminqzc123 or adminrzs456

Additional Information

Formerly known as NETIQKB1144