How do I customize the SMTP e-mail address generators in my Exchange Recipient Policy? (NETIQKB905)

  • 7700905
  • 02-Feb-2007
  • 08-Aug-2007



How do I customize the SMTP e-mail address generators in my Exchange Recipient Policy?

Exchange Migrator 1.x

Exchange Migrator 2.x


To generate a new customized SMTP e-mail string you would use the following:

The following replacement strings are available:

%s = surname (last name)

%g = given name (first name)

%i = middle initial

%d = display name

%m = Exchange Alias

%rxy = Replace all subsequent characters x with character y in username. If x = y, then the character will be deleted. You can place a number in front of any of the preceding switches to define how many characters of the switch should be used; for example:

%1s = Uses the first letter of the surname

%4g = Uses the first four letters of the given name

For Example:

User Logon Name = "jdoe"

Display name = "John D. Doe"

Surname = "Doe"

Given name = "John"

Format string SMTP address generated for sample user. =  =


For more information on SMTP format strings see the following Technet article:

Additional Information

Formerly known as NETIQKB905