What is the difference between events 21248, 21249, and 21250? (NETIQKB878)

  • 7700878
  • 02-Feb-2007
  • 16-Aug-2007


Event ID 21248: The Agent was unable to contact any Consolidator.

This event occurs because the agent repeatedly attempted and failed to contact all known consolidators. However, since the nature of this event prevents database communication, the event is not reported (logged) until contact with the consolidator has been restored. Therefore, there is no alert defined for this event since the problem would have been fixed by the time the alert fired.

Other article(s) containing Event 21248:

Event ID 21249: The agent was unable to contact its default Consolidator but was able to contact an alternate (which is how this event got reported.)

This event reports the name of the Consolidator with which the agent failed to communicate..

Other article(s) containing Event 21249:

    NETIQKB2072: Consolidator not communicating with DAS

    NETIQKB2211: Why do all Components, including my Agents, display 'unknown status'?

Event ID 21250: The agent was unable to contact its default Consolidator but was able to contact an alternate (which is how this event got reported.)

This event reports the name of the Consolidator with which the agent was able to resume communication.

Additional Information

Formerly known as NETIQKB878